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The world of online casinos in Austria is more accessible and exciting than ever, thanks to the 10 Euro No-Deposit Bonuses featured on This special site is dedicated to offering players a unique opportunity to enter the world of online gaming with a substantial bonus that requires no deposit. These 10 Euro bonuses serve as a perfect introduction to the variety and excitement of online casino games. has curated a selection of the best Austrian online casinos that offer this generous no-deposit bonus. These bonuses are not only a way to play for free, but also a real chance to experience the casino atmosphere and try out different games. The website provides comprehensive reviews of each casino and bonus, ensuring that players have all the information they need to make the most of their experience. From slots and card games to live dealer options, these 10 euro no deposit bonuses are an excellent way for players to test the waters and potentially win big. keeps the list up to date with the latest offers, making it a reliable resource for players looking for a great no deposit gaming experience.

U sklopu projekta "Jačanje avanturističkog turizma - Najbolje avanture u Federaciji BiH" , Terra Dinarica organizuje dvodnevni seminar za turističke i planinarske vodiče, te voditelje tura i izleta.

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Seminar će se održati 14 i 15.4.2018. g., na Bjelašnici, a namjenjen je već školovanim vodičima, a pokriva tematiku sigurnosti i upravljanja rizicima, vođenje grupe (leadership), odnos prema klijentima, prezentacijske vještine i kreiranje programa. Seminari će se izvoditi na domaćim i engleskom jeziku, sa posebnim osvrtom na termine i izraze korištene u ovoj profesiji. Predavači na seminaru su Dragan Jaćimović, Tim Clancy i Kenan Muftić.

Kotizacija za učešće iznosi 50 KM što uključuje i nastavni materijal, noćenje i obroke za vrijeme trajanja seminara. Maksimalan broj učesnika je 20.

Zainteresovani se mogu prijaviti e-mailom na Ova e-maila adresa je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je vidjeli. , nakon čega će im biti dostavljene upute i program seminara. Upite za više informacija takođe šaljite na istu adresu. 

Via Dinarica BiH Terra Dinarica | Vladimira Nazora 2, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH
Phone: +387 62 393 393 e-mail:

Via Dinarica Croatia Hrvatski planinarski savez Kozarčeva 22, 10000 Zagreb, Cro
Phone: 01/48-23-624

Via Dinarica Slovenia RRA Zeleni kras, d.o.o., Prečna ulica 1, 6257 Pivka, Slo
Phone: +386(0)5 72 12 243, Fax: +386(0)5 72 12 245,

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