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RFQ/120/21 Construction works, supply and delivery of furniture and electrical equipment for 3 mountain facilities in 3 municipalities in BiH
Procurement Process : RFQ - Request for quotation
Deadline : 12-Aug-21
Posted on : 28-Jul-21
Reference Number : 81276
Link to Atlas Project :
00107283 - Via Dinarica: Second project phase
Documents :
RFQ-120-21-Via Dinarica.docx
Overview :

Dear Sir / Madam:

     We kindly request you to submit your quotation for: Construction works, supply and delivery of furniture and electrical equipment for 3 mountain facilities in 3 municipalities in BiH / Građevinski radovi, nabavka i isporuka namještaja i električne opreme za 3 planinska objekta u 3 opštine u BiH“.

LOT 1 - Construction works on 3 mountain facilities in 3 municipalities in BiH / LOT 1- Građevinski radovi na 3 planinska objekta u 3 opštine u BiH.

LOT 2 - Procurement and delivery of furniture for 3 mountain facilities in 3 municipalities in BiH / LOT 2 - Nabavka i isporuka namještaja za 3 planinska objekta u 3 opštine u BiH.

LOT 3 - Procurement and delivery of electrical equipment for 3 mountain facilities in 3 municipalities in BiH / LOT 3 - Nabavka i isporuka elektoopreme za 3 planinska objekta u 3 opštine u BiH.

When preparing your quotation, please be guided by the form attached hereto as Annex 2. 

Technical documentation is available on this

Quotations may be submitted on or before 14:00 hrs, 12 August 2021 via e-mail to the address below:

United Nations Development Programme


Ova e-maila adresa je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je vidjeli.

It shall remain your responsibility to ensure that your quotation will reach the address above on or before the deadline. Quotations that are received by UNDP after the deadline indicated above, for whatever reason, shall not be considered for evaluation. 

Via Dinarica BiH Terra Dinarica | Vladimira Nazora 2, 71000 Sarajevo, BiH
Phone:+387 61 188 279. e-mail: 

Via Dinarica Croatia Hrvatski planinarski savez Kozarčeva 22, 10000 Zagreb, Cro
Phone: 01/48-23-624

Via Dinarica Slovenia RRA Zeleni kras, d.o.o., Prečna ulica 1, 6257 Pivka, Slo
Phone: +386(0)5 72 12 243, Fax: +386(0)5 72 12 245,

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