We’re gonna stir things up a bit for the final days of ‘Le Tour de Bosnie et Herzégovine’ and throw California travel blogger The Blonde Gypsy (TBG) into the mix. TBG joined us just in time for the spectacular rescue on Cvrsnica and was with Elma and Kenan all the way to Via Dinarica’s beautiful blue trail in Dalmatia, Croatia. Mind you, this adventurous lass had never delved into the depths of mountain travel…until now. She hiked up – and down -Cvrsnica Mountain, journeyed through Blidinje Nature Park and the Rebel’s Republic, discovered the source of the Vrbas River, climbed Vranica’s Mountains highest peak, rock-climbed with Bosnia’s best free climber, dined with former refugees trying to carve a new life out of eco-tourism, mountain biked and whitewater rafted in Una National Park, before heading north of the border into Croatia’s Plitvice National Park.
But before you get your hearts set on the sunny Adriatic (coming on Thursday), be sure to endulge in The Blonde Gypsy’s Via Dinarica Bosnia blogs (live link photo above)…she’s living proof that the Via Dinarica has a little something for everyone, even if you aren’t quite aware of it yet.
Although this is last blog on Kenan and Elma’s home turf, we will be revisiting all of the countries of the Via Dinarica in this series and bringing you more amazing photos, details from the trails, videos, timelapses, and Kenan’s report card on who makes the best rakija on Via Dinarica. The team conquered 7 peaks of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s major mountains, visited two national parks, a nature park, went canyoning, biking, climbing, and rafting, and learned that even though this leg of the trip was home – there are always new people and places to be discovered.
Zbogom Bosna, enter Croatia.